Thursday, December 11, 2008

Reply to Colleague's Blog (2nd)

This blog is a response to the Democratic Oligarchy Blog, titled Proposition 8.

I completely agree with you on everything you have stated in your previous blog. The GLBT community has been fighting for just basic rights to equality and marriage for a long time. It's more obvious now these days, as being a homosexual is more common.

And for the first time, since their movement they were giving rights in California to legally marry someone of the same sex, but not later than 4 months and that was taken away from them. How can the the state of California just give the GLBT community the right to marriage and then decide to let the public vote for it, when a decision had already been made and thousands had already walked down the alter? It's not just the document that make their marriage legit but it's those rights that come with that document that many of people take for granted.

I, a religious person, have always believe the religious community should have no say in this topic. As long as, homosexuals can get married, then it doesn't matter whether or not it happens in a church or in a courthouse. Many say marriage is sacred and should one be between a man and a woman. But if marriage is so sacred then why is divorce very common in the U.S.? People can go and get hitched in Las Vegas and they don't even have to know each other. Now they have even made it more convenient to were you don't even have to get out of your car, you can just do a drive-thru marriage.

If marriage is so sacred, then one you commit to it, it should be a life sentence no matter what!

Proposition 8 was a very controversy topic for the state of California and I'm sure it wont end there. I did watch some of those commercials were they fooled people into voting yes on Prop. 8
Many people did believe that if this proposition was passed that they would start teaching homosexuality in schools. But really? Why should that matter? That's part of life and kids need to learn that there are a lot of different people in this world and it shouldn't matter what their race, gender, age or sexuality is, what should matter is personality and integrity.

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