This Houston Chronicle journalist, conservative, named Kathleen McKinley compares the bailout plan to Hurricane Ike in her blog titled, Hurricane Bailout. Her target audience is the public, conservatives, and congressional members.
She starts by describing the events that were happening before Hurricane Ike hit the Texas Coast in September. She went to the grocery store and loaded on up on supplies and gasoline. No other Galveston residents were following her procedures because the skies were clear blue with white wispy white clouds. Over 40% of residents stay in Galveston even after the mandatory evacuation. McKinley says the residents stayed in town because there weren’t any visible signs of a terrible storm coming to shore except for the media’s warnings.
McKinley states that she is a very cautious person, generally. And when she was told to leave town, she did without hesitation. Now she feels that if this bailout plan doesn’t pass, the markets will crash and America will suffer a big loss.
Even though she states that she thinks the bill “stinks” and it’s not American’s fault. McKinley has been going back and forth on this issue, but like most Republican Conservative’s this always follow along with all the others.
I, a liberal, of course disagree with McKinley. We do not want to put the government in charge of businesses. Then we would be compared to the Chinese, North Korean, and Cuban governments. These banks have gone bankrupt, why should we get this out of the hole? Why should we reward them? There are many solutions, and by bailing them out, will either mean the government will have a bigger debt or the citizens will have higher taxes.
I agree with Lou Dobbs, who McKinley states in her blog. He doesn’t support the bailout and he thinks there will be no major disaster in the markets.
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