Thursday, December 11, 2008

Reply to Colleague's Blog (2nd)

This blog is a response to the Democratic Oligarchy Blog, titled Proposition 8.

I completely agree with you on everything you have stated in your previous blog. The GLBT community has been fighting for just basic rights to equality and marriage for a long time. It's more obvious now these days, as being a homosexual is more common.

And for the first time, since their movement they were giving rights in California to legally marry someone of the same sex, but not later than 4 months and that was taken away from them. How can the the state of California just give the GLBT community the right to marriage and then decide to let the public vote for it, when a decision had already been made and thousands had already walked down the alter? It's not just the document that make their marriage legit but it's those rights that come with that document that many of people take for granted.

I, a religious person, have always believe the religious community should have no say in this topic. As long as, homosexuals can get married, then it doesn't matter whether or not it happens in a church or in a courthouse. Many say marriage is sacred and should one be between a man and a woman. But if marriage is so sacred then why is divorce very common in the U.S.? People can go and get hitched in Las Vegas and they don't even have to know each other. Now they have even made it more convenient to were you don't even have to get out of your car, you can just do a drive-thru marriage.

If marriage is so sacred, then one you commit to it, it should be a life sentence no matter what!

Proposition 8 was a very controversy topic for the state of California and I'm sure it wont end there. I did watch some of those commercials were they fooled people into voting yes on Prop. 8
Many people did believe that if this proposition was passed that they would start teaching homosexuality in schools. But really? Why should that matter? That's part of life and kids need to learn that there are a lot of different people in this world and it shouldn't matter what their race, gender, age or sexuality is, what should matter is personality and integrity.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's official, can you say Recession?

So even though the American community has felt the economic downpour in their wallets for the past year, its finally been crowned official. The National Bureau of Economic Research has stated the economic recession began last December. This is the same group that called the 1990-91 and 2001 recession just as it ended. But there is no way this recession is ending any time soon. “We have gone from recession into something that looks more like collapse,” said Ian Shepherdson, chief domestic economist at High Frequency Economics

As the day ended with the obvious stated, the Stock Market crashed once again by 679 points.

Amercian's aren't the only ones who are feeling the pain. In the past couple of months, the banks have been rescued, state and local governments are asking for more aid, and now recently the auto industry is asking for some help.

Most economists say that the economy must create about 100,000 jobs to keep up with the population growth. But instead we are going towards the opposite direction. President-Elect Obama has made this unemployment and job growth one of his top priorities. He also believes public spending with help a "dead-in-the-water economy" start moving again.

Now the N.Y. Times has stated the U.S. has lost 533,000 jobs in November. That's just in one month. “We are caught in a downward spiral in which employment, incomes and spending are collapsing together,” said Nigel Gault, chief domestic economist for HIS Global Insight.

Obama wants to aid his plan of public spending by enacting a stimulus package by late January that could exceed $500 billion over two years. Under the stimulus plan, more than half the money would probably be channeled into public infrastructure spending. Many economists consider such investments as an effective way to counteract the economy's downward spiraling.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Reply to Colleague's Blog

This blog is a response to Chase Reyna's U.S. Nat'l Govt Blog: The U.S. and You, titled Blog Stage Five.

I would have to agree with you on everything about the U.S. economy being in a recession. And yeah if you compare us to other struggling countries, we aren't so bad but I'm willing to say that this is the lowest the U.S. has ever been and yeah I'm including the Great Depression. This time in day with technology grows faster and faster, nobody can afford to fall behind financially but a lot of us are.

Yes 9/11 may have been the start of this economy downfall and yes we have never recovered since then because right after the attacks we went into war and war costs a lot of money. This country has been struggling both financially and emotionally since we have started this war. Middle class is now lower class and the majority of Americans are under that poverty line.

But I disagree with you on whether or not we should election a Democrat (which has already been done). I believe we need something else because another George Bush (Republican). This country has been under President Bush for the past 8 years and what has he done to help fix the U.S.? Nothing he is still wanting to stay in this war, he would rather bail out these banks than his own fellow Americans, and he gave us one stimulus check which didn't do a darn thing.

I believe this country needs change and a Democrat would be better during this time of need.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

November 4th Election Day

Election day is on its way and the race to the White House is neck and neck. Both candidates from each party are struggling to gain more votes and they are visiting and revisiting all the undecided states.

Each candidate has also come across some negative energy upon their campaign. Some Republicans are worried that nominated VP Sarah Palin is bringing down their campaign due to her wacky personality. Although Tina Fey's impressions of Palin have given this country much needed laughter during our economic downfall, nobody can really take Palin seriously and many believe she isn't qualified for the position. Many are also worried about John McCain and his future actions. If he was serious about wanting Sarah Palin as his VP, think about who he would appoint to other political office if he is elected President. Democratic nominee Barack Obama has been resting at a comfortable position with a led of 50 to 44%. Senator Obama has been in the news also about how he isn't qualified to be president because he was only in office for 173 something days. The media and the Republican party have been reporting on Obama's ethnicity and saying he is Muslim and not American so he shouldn't be allowed to run for office. It was reported that two white supremacists had planned to assassinate Mr. Obama and many more are angry that he is allowed to run.

Along with that, both party's have come up with political slogans. The Democrat's are running with "it's time for a change" and the Republicans have came up with "Joe the Plumber", they even have a mascot.

With this election around every corner, I personally cant wait until all this is over. We are so focused on who is going to win and what new information can the other party bring up about the other, we are forgetting about how our economy is in a recession and we are still in a war.

I guess on the good side, gas is going down for now...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Disrupting the Youth

California is in a big battle with gay marriage.
Prop. 8 supporters say that voting yes would not allow gay marriage to be legal.
Being against Prop. 8 means you want the rule on gay marriage to stay valid as it is currently in California.
Besides gay marriage hurting heterosexual marriages, now the supporters say it will disrupt the youth. They are discussing how gay marriage will have to be taught in school and how it will confuse the children and bring up a lot of tough questions.
The opposing side says that the supporters just came up with stuff to scare the public and it might actually be working. But what the public needs to understand is, this Prop. has nothing to do with children. This is solely focused on whether or not gay marriage should be legal.
There was a legal case in Massachusetts when a lesbian teacher read a story to her class about to princesses getting married. The parents of a child sued the school and lost the case. This is so ridiculous. The Supreme Court even refused to hear the case and the ruling was kept by the lower court. Now the supporters are going to use this Christian family in an advertisement for voting Yes on Prop. 8
There is nothing in the state eduction code that requires school's to teach anything to do with marriage, so why bring up gay marriage? Because it's different. Are they going to do experiments in there science class too about gay marriage.
I myself, a homosexual is against Prop. 8 and I wished I lived in California so I could vote No on this Proposition. To bad I live in Texas, the reddest, religious, conservative state there is.,0,7459783.story

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Won't Someone Bail Me Out?

This Houston Chronicle journalist, conservative, named Kathleen McKinley compares the bailout plan to Hurricane Ike in her blog titled, Hurricane Bailout. Her target audience is the public, conservatives, and congressional members.

She starts by describing the events that were happening before Hurricane Ike hit the Texas Coast in September. She went to the grocery store and loaded on up on supplies and gasoline. No other Galveston residents were following her procedures because the skies were clear blue with white wispy white clouds. Over 40% of residents stay in Galveston even after the mandatory evacuation. McKinley says the residents stayed in town because there weren’t any visible signs of a terrible storm coming to shore except for the media’s warnings.

McKinley states that she is a very cautious person, generally. And when she was told to leave town, she did without hesitation. Now she feels that if this bailout plan doesn’t pass, the markets will crash and America will suffer a big loss.

Even though she states that she thinks the bill “stinks” and it’s not American’s fault. McKinley has been going back and forth on this issue, but like most Republican Conservative’s this always follow along with all the others.

I, a liberal, of course disagree with McKinley. We do not want to put the government in charge of businesses. Then we would be compared to the Chinese, North Korean, and Cuban governments. These banks have gone bankrupt, why should we get this out of the hole? Why should we reward them? There are many solutions, and by bailing them out, will either mean the government will have a bigger debt or the citizens will have higher taxes.

I agree with Lou Dobbs, who McKinley states in her blog. He doesn’t support the bailout and he thinks there will be no major disaster in the markets.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Economy is Hurting....who has the First-Aid kit???

Both McCain and Obama have lashed out at each other about the U.S. economy.

Obama wants to put a $1000 tax cut for middle class American families because he says the economy needs to be revitalized from the bottom up, not top down. By this he means that the rich need to be taxed more than the poor. Which some of this is true depending on what your economic status is? Sure nobody likes taxes but if you make more money then you go need to pay more taxes. What's worse? A wealthy family who gets taxed $1000 and cant buy there 16 year old son a Range Rover or a family of 4 who paid $500 in taxes and now all they can afford to eat are sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Obama also wants to create new jobs. Sure every candidate says they want to help people who are unemployed but Obama wants to help out by creating 5 Million green jobs which means that would help the environment too. He also supports small business and wants to bring manufacturing jobs that were overseas back to America.

McCain wants to fire Christopher Cox from the SEC. What else McCain? Just firing someone who isn’t doing a good job is okay but what else are you going to do? and how do you know the person you replace Cox with will be any better? The war in Iraq is also hurting the U.S. economy and McCain has already stated that if the war takes 100 years then he is prepared to stay for 100 years. All the money the U.S. keeps wasting on the war in Iraq could be used to help our America citizens who are struggling and in debt.

McCain wants to extend the Bush tax cuts. He also wants to see Bush's tax relief and raise it some. He wants to cut the corporate tax cut from 35% to 25% and he says he supports small businesses. Ha-ha. The Wall Street Journal reported, "In all, his tax-cutting proposals could cost about $400 billion a year, according to estimates of the impact of different tax cuts by CBO and the McCain campaign," And how to make up for the lost revenues? McCain promises to cut earmarks; to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse; and to reduce the projected growth of Medicare. "The cost will make it difficult for him to achieve his goal of balancing the budget by the end of his first term."

So McCain is going to put America in further debt.

So please take my poll which is on the right side of the screen and tell me who you agree with when it comes down to the U.S. economy.
