Both McCain and Obama have lashed out at each other about the U.S. economy.
Obama wants to put a $1000 tax cut for middle class American families because he says the economy needs to be revitalized from the bottom up, not top down. By this he means that the rich need to be taxed more than the poor. Which some of this is true depending on what your economic status is? Sure nobody likes taxes but if you make more money then you go need to pay more taxes. What's worse? A wealthy family who gets taxed $1000 and cant buy there 16 year old son a Range Rover or a family of 4 who paid $500 in taxes and now all they can afford to eat are sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Obama also wants to create new jobs. Sure every candidate says they want to help people who are unemployed but Obama wants to help out by creating 5 Million green jobs which means that would help the environment too. He also supports small business and wants to bring manufacturing jobs that were overseas back to America.
McCain wants to fire Christopher Cox from the SEC. What else McCain? Just firing someone who isn’t doing a good job is okay but what else are you going to do? and how do you know the person you replace Cox with will be any better? The war in Iraq is also hurting the U.S. economy and McCain has already stated that if the war takes 100 years then he is prepared to stay for 100 years. All the money the U.S. keeps wasting on the war in Iraq could be used to help our America citizens who are struggling and in debt.
McCain wants to extend the Bush tax cuts. He also wants to see Bush's tax relief and raise it some. He wants to cut the corporate tax cut from 35% to 25% and he says he supports small businesses. Ha-ha. The Wall Street Journal reported, "In all, his tax-cutting proposals could cost about $400 billion a year, according to estimates of the impact of different tax cuts by CBO and the McCain campaign," And how to make up for the lost revenues? McCain promises to cut earmarks; to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse; and to reduce the projected growth of Medicare. "The cost will make it difficult for him to achieve his goal of balancing the budget by the end of his first term."
So McCain is going to put America in further debt.
So please take my poll which is on the right side of the screen and tell me who you agree with when it comes down to the U.S. economy.
They Invented a New Language for War
1 day ago